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REGUPRO 38 liquid feed/ molasses - delivered nationwide

PROMAG 3.5% MAG liquid feed/ molasses - delivered nationwide

REGUMIX liquid feed/ molasses
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Not all liquid feeds are created equal
Border Counties Liquid Feeds Ltd offer a range of cane molasses based liquid feeds designed to suit
a wide range of feeding systems.
We sell 27 different liquid feeds. They can be supplied in volumes as small as 25 litres for small
holders to bulk loads of 29 tonnes delivered on to farm using specialist vehicles. Using modern
blending technology, our supplier ED&F Man Liquid Products are able to combine molasses with other
liquid co-products to increase sugar levels, enhance energy and protein levels, and improved
handling. The result is a choice of liquid feeds offering the ideal combination of sugars, energy,
protein, flowability and price for any situation.
6-carbon sugars are now recognised as a key nutrient in ruminant diets. Research has shown that a
minimum of 6% sugar should be supplied in a well balanced ration.
Delivery service provided or collections welcome. Working with our supplier we can deliver
nationwide. 1000 litre IBC's and bulk tanks sold. A range of lick wheel or ball feeders sold or
rented including bowser feeders.