Liquid Feed Market Update - May 2021
Posted by Linda Richards on 17/05/21
See info on Sustainability, Magnesium, Buffer Feeding.
See the full market update - May 2021, read more about sustainability, magnesium and buffer feeding.
Buffer Feeding
The key to effective grazing is accepting that at some stage buffer feeding will be required and to begin considering the impacts this may have on silage stocks and to plan for the coming winter.
ED&F Man have carried out research in collaboration with Agri-Epi Centre at their South West Dairy Development Centre, alongside Kingshay Dairy consultants, to demonstrate that including a proportion of straw and Regumix, a palatable high energy and protein molasses based liquid feed in replacement of grass silage within a buffer feed, allows production to be maintained whilst preserving silage stocks.
The saving of 7.5kg of silage per cow per day can be expanded for a 200-cow herd over a typical 18-week period, totalling a potential silage saving of almost 200 tonnes. This silage is then available to increase the silage fed per cow per day over the winter feeding period, or ensure stocks are sufficient for a longer housed period.
See the full
market update - May 2021Buy REGUMIX liquid feed/ molasses on our agriculteral ecommerce website as well as many other agricultural products
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