Bulk Prices
Bulk loads liquid feed/molasses blends are available, 5 tonne - 29 tonne loads. The more you order the better the price. Contact Border Counties for bulk prices, 4,000+ litres.
To order liquid feed, phone 01584 811323 or email orders@bcliquidfeeds.co.uk.
Payment methods accepted via BACS, Credit/ Debit Card or Cheque.
Interest will be charged on all overdue accounts at the rate of 5% over bank base rate from invoice due data and late payment fee of £25.
Larger quantities for less
Bulk loads are delivered by our supplier in a tanker direct to your farm and pumped into your storage tanks or IBC containers. You pay for the weight of liquid feed delivered and this weight is on the bottom of the delivery ticket supplied by the tanker driver.
5 Tonne Loads
Weight can vary between 4 and 4.8 tonne (we refer to this as a 5 tonne load) so please ensure you have enough storage for 4000 litres.
10 Tonne Loads
Weights can vary between 8.5 - 9.5 tonne (we refer to this as a 10 tonne load). Please ensure you have enough storage for 8000 litres. 15, 20, 25 and 29 tonne load also available.

Bulk Load Price
Price depends on quantity ordered and location of delivery. You have the option of 27
different liquid feeds and they can be customised to your requirements.
For a quote please provide your name, location and number of livestock.