Magnesium Molasses Blends
Prevention of Grass Staggers
Why opt for magnesium in molasses?
Key benefits
- Cane molasses is a unique source of highly palatable, highly fermentable sugar.
- The sugars in the molasses mask the unpalatable taste of magnesium ensuring magnesium intake are maximised at a time when it may be difficult to provide effective supplementation.
- Sugars provide much needed additional energy, grass staggers is known to be associated with energy deficiency.
- Research has shown that sugars speed magnesium absorption across the gut wall.
- ED&F Man Liquid Products only use magnesium chloride which is the most bio available form of magnesium to the animal.
BCLF can supply a large number of magnesium rich molasses-based liquid supplements. Please use the notes below to help you choose the right product.
Magnesium-rich bulk molasses
Ideal for producers who order bulk molasses, i.e. 5 tonnes at a time, and tend to buffer feed at turnout. The percentage magnesium inclusion can be varied to suit feeding requirements.
Biomag 3.5
A 3.5% magnesium, as fed, sugar-rich molasses liquid feed. Biomag 3.5 is particularly appropriate where the inclusion of essential vitamins and trace minerals are required. The high sugar content of Biomag 3.5 overcomes the palatability problems associated with magnesium and also aids magnesium absorption in the gut.
Promag 3.5
A free flowing blend of cane molasses, molasses co-products and magnesium chloride, and contains 3.5% magnesium, as fed. Promag 3.5 offers a useful alternative to Biomag 3.5 for the customer who does not require vitamins and trace minerals.